I first learned of Neville Goddard while browsing in a mind/body/spirit bookstore in Raleigh, North Carolina. I was intrigued by the drawing on the cover of an open eye within a heart shaped tree, as well as by what I read of his background--a former dancer and actor from Barbados? And the fact that he used only his first name
A few years later, during a difficult time in my life which coincided with my decision to devote myself to my artwork, I started reading Neville again. Neville's message boils down to using your imagination not for wish-fulfillment fantasies, but to actively become the person you want to be. You do this by "assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled." And don't try to imagine HOW it's going to happen, but instead imagine that everything has already been accomplished. He called it "living in the end" or "living from the end."
Neville said that the best time to imagine yourself as the person you want to be is in that state of feeling sleepy but not quite falling asleep. (For more information on Neville's techniques, life, and philosophy, see "The Miracle Club" by Mitch Horowitz.)
Neville tells us to "deny the evidence of the senses" and concentrate on what we want. When I decided that I was going to commit myself to becoming an artist, I didn't concentrate on whatever weaknesses I saw in my artwork at the time. Instead, I kept before me constantly a vision of myself as creating the kind of art that I wanted to create. I also used active imagination to put myself in the emotional state of being a creative, productive artist. I continue to use these techniques as I work to improve my artwork. I also continue to "assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled" to help me achieve my Definite Chief Aim of being a professional artist.
As "The Magician of Beautiful," Neville taught the magic of using "your wonderful human imagination" to conjure up what you most desire in life. I create pictures of Neville Goddard to remind myself how powerful my imagination can be, and also to pay tribute to Neville as an inspiration. I hope my images of Neville will help inspire you to believe that with your imagination you can become the person that you want to be!